Senior Housing

Living with Multiple Sclerosis in Assisted Living Facilities | MS Awareness Month

In the United States, 200 new cases of multiple sclerosis are diagnosed each week. More than 2.5 million people live with this condition globally making it one of the most common diseases in the world. Every March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. This is when communities, organizations, and assisted living facilities rally to promote awareness and gather support for those suffering from this debilitating condition.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating medical condition that affects the central nervous system specifically the brain and spinal cord. When you have MS, your immune system starts to attack the myelin sheath that protects your nerve fibers. This in turn results in different communication problems between the brain and body, which leads to different symptoms.

Although the signs and symptoms of MS vary depending on the patient, most patients experience tingling sensations, numbness or weakness that occurs on one side of the body at a time, unsteady gait, lack of coordination, and partial or complete vision loss.

How Did Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month Start?

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) launched Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month in 2003 to raise awareness about this medical condition and work on raising funds for MS research and activities that help people to understand this condition, give patients better treatment options and hopefully find the cure for MS in the future.

Since then, the organization has raised more than $974 million to help with MS research through fundraising efforts such as “MuckFest” and “DIY Fundraising.”

How Can Assisted Living Facilities Help Patients with MS?

As MS progresses so do its signs and symptoms. In fact, there comes a time when the person affected by MS wouldn’t be able to do things he normally does as part of his daily routine. This includes taking a bath, brushing his teeth, changing clothes, and even walking. So, in most cases, these patients need to move into one of the assisted living facilities in their area.

Some patients are lucky enough that their MS doesn’t progress, but for those who do, being in one of the assisted living facilities will allow them to live a good quality of life in a safe environment where they have professionals ready to help with their needs at any time.

These facilities are also designed to help patients with MS be as independent as possible while giving them the assistance that they require, especially in tasks that they already find difficult to do or are unsafe for them to do alone.

So, if you have a loved one who suffers from MS and his symptoms are getting worse even with treatment, you might want to consider checking one of the assisted living facilities in your area. This may be a big decision for you and the family, but it’s one of the best options you have to ensure that your loved one will be safe.


Looking for excellent senior care? Click here to check out Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

Innovations in Memory Care: Technology, Programs, and Approaches | Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

Memory care has seen significant advancements in the development of new technologies, programs, and approaches to improve the lives of patients. Memory assisted living ashland ne facilities are leveraging these innovations to provide high-quality care and support to their residents.

Technologies in Memory Care

Technology has played a major role in the advancements in memory care. From virtual reality to wearable devices, these innovations are helping facilities provide residents with engaging experiences.

One of the most exciting advancements in memory care technology is virtual reality (VR). VR experiences allow residents to explore new environments and participate in activities without having to physically leave the facility. This can have a positive impact on their mood and cognitive function and provide a sense of normalcy.

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, are also becoming increasingly popular in memory care. These devices can monitor the physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns of residents. So, this provides valuable insights into their health and well-being.

Programs and Approaches in Memory Care

In addition to technology, innovative programs and approaches are being used in facilities to improve the lives of residents.

One such approach is music and art therapy. These therapies have been shown to have a positive impact on mood and cognitive function, and facilities are incorporating them into their programs to provide residents with a meaningful and engaging experience.

Cognitive stimulation therapy is another approach that is becoming increasingly popular in memory care. This type of therapy involves engaging residents in activities and exercises that challenge their thinking and memory skills. Likewise, these activities can help slow the progression of memory impairments and improve overall cognitive function.

Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE: A Leader in Memory Care Innovations

Memory assisted living facilities are at the forefront of the latest innovations in memory care. From cutting-edge technologies to innovative programs and approaches, they are providing their residents with the care and support they need to live fulfilling and engaging lives.

Whether it’s through virtual reality experiences, wearable devices, or therapies such as music and art therapy, memory assisted living ashland ne facilities are committed to providing their residents with the best possible care and support. And as new advancements in memory care continue to emerge, we will continue to be at the forefront, leading the way in improving the lives of individuals with memory impairments.


The innovations in memory care are making a significant impact on the lives of individuals with memory impairments. From technology to programs and approaches, we are providing their residents with the care and support they need to live fulfilling and engaging lives. As the field of memory care continues to evolve, it’s exciting to see what the future holds and the positive impact these advancements will have on the lives of individuals with memory impairments.


Ready to learn more about Richmont Senior Living? Click here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing

Top 6 February Reads for Assisted Living Residents

Being in assisted living can be a huge adjustment especially if it’s their first time moving out of the house. It can also be isolating and lonely for them. So, it’s important to find activities that will help residents feel more comfortable and enjoy their time in assisted living.

Reading is one of the best activities because it doesn’t only help pass the time, but it’s good for memory.

The benefits of reading in assisted living

Reading has a lot of benefits for residents in assisted living including:

Reading is entertaining.

  • Most seniors don’t enjoy watching TV for a long time. They can easily spend hours reading a good book and exploring a new world.

It’s a Great Brain Exercise.

  • Reading forces the brain to remember characters and plots to understand the book better. So, it’s a great way to exercise the brain and enhance one’s memory.

Reading improves focus and concentration.

  • A lot of seniors find it hard to focus when adjusting to their new environment in assisted living. Reading can help solve that problem by allowing them to just take their time in concentrating on the book that they like.

The top 6 books for February

If you’re planning to give a loved one in assisted living some books for this month, here are our top recommendations:

Spare by Prince Harry.

  • For the first time, Prince Harry tells the story of his life from his point of view starting as a young boy losing his mother and growing up to find the love of his life, Meghan Markle.

Forever, interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

  • A riveting story of a girl who met the love of her life only to lose her over an accident, this book takes you on a journey of love, grief, and healing between Elsie and her boyfriend’s mother Susan.

The Family Game by Catherine Steadman.

  • From the New York Times bestselling author, this psychological thriller tells the story of a novelist and her husband-to-be’s seemingly perfect life until a tape disrupts everything.

The Golden Couple by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen.

  • This bestselling author duo wows again with their newest book which tells the story of a wealthy couple and the infidelity that changes everything in their lives.

I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai.

  • This must-read book is named the most anticipated book of 2023, so it’s a great read for your loved one in assisted living.

The Unfortunates by J.K. Chukwu.

  • This book tells the story of a queer black college sophomore who made it a mission to learn more about “The Unfortunates,” a group of Black undergrads who mysteriously died in her college.

What are you waiting for? Give the gift of reading to your loved one in assisted living with these highly recommended books.

Looking for excellent assisted living care in Nebraska? Click here to explore Richmont Senior Living.

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living

Keeping Optimal Health in the New Year in Independent Living for Seniors

Adults in independent living for seniors are more prone to health risks as they age.  What you think as simple flu can lead to complications, thus, it is important to pay extra attention to your health.

After the holiday season, it is normal to feel bloated after all the food and family get together. The New Year is the perfect opportunity to exercise, eat better, and maintain healthy habits to reduce the likelihood of getting ill.

It is beneficial to keep your mental, physical, and overall health in optimal condition, especially for those more prone to illnesses. Fortunately, even for senior adults, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy. After all, it is never too late to start living a healthy lifestyle.

New Year, New Check-Up

Most of the time, people only seek professional medical care when they are sick. But these days, a preventive check-up is common regardless of age. As people become aware of the importance of health, more and more are seeking ways to lower the risks of health and medical conditions by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups.

Start the year by seeing your doctor for your check-up. With your doctor’s recommended workout, your doctor will help detect health or medical conditions that could become a problem eventually. Early detection will give your doctor the best measures to treat the problem efficiently and avoid future complications.

By doing preventive check-ups, your loved ones in independent living for seniors will reduce the risk of getting sick, detect life-threatening diseases like cancer, and reduce healthcare costs by preventing expensive medical treatment or procedures.

This will also give you and your loved ones the peace of mind of knowing that chances for effective treatment and measures are increased because of early detection.

Keeping Optimal Health in Independent Living for Seniors

Because senior adults are more prone to illnesses that may lead to severe conditions, it is optimal to make healthy choices. Residents in independent living for seniors must remain active despite their age. Doing simple chores or at least 15 to 20 minutes of walking is the most convenient form of exercise.

Ask your doctor for recommended supplements to boost your immune system. Other essential supplements to consider are calcium, Vitamins B6 and 12, and Vitamin D.

Stick to diets rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, and food rich in antioxidants. Also, limit your intake of sugary and salty food.

Get plenty of rest. Limit your time on your gadget and stick to your sleeping routine. Get adequate sleep for a stronger immune system, making it easier for the body to fight off viruses and infections. That said, aim for at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

Reduce stress, think of happy thoughts, relax, and explore enjoyable activities that you can share with loved ones or other residents in independent living for seniors.

Follow your doctor’s recommendations like taking your medicine on time or as prescribed and show up on your scheduled doctor’s visit.

Wash hands regularly to stay clean and healthy.

Looking for excellent senior living in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Facilities

Starting the Year Right: Planning, Decluttering and More in Senior Housing

The start of a brand new year is a great way to declutter and let go of the things that have no use anymore.

Loved ones in senior housing accumulate belongings over the years and these excess items can take up space. Mostly no longer in use in their day-to-day activities, decluttering can help the free some space and stay organized. It can be overwhelming at first but downsizing can also be liberating.

There is no better time to declutter than now.

Set the Tune for Your New Year

Most of the time, making changes, resolutions, and improving ourselves are the aspirations that we make every New Year. Oftentimes the small things are left unnoticed. But did you know that little things can also make a positive impact to start your New Year right?

As you approach the rest of the days of 2023, you might want to set things right and make the rest of the year more meaningful.

Be Positive

Make it a point to be happy and find the positive side in every situation. Start your day with positive thoughts or activities that will set the mood. Be grateful for the small and big things that you have, for family, and friends, and for getting through tough times.

Commit to Healthy Habits

Make changes to your daily diet, sleeping habits, and workout routines. In addition, start your morning with a healthy meal, exercise, or skincare routine. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink enough water instead of drinking soda or colored drinks. Learn something new and limit your technology time.

Be Kind

Practice kindness every day because an act of kindness is never wasted. You might want to help a fellow resident in your senior housing community accomplish a simple task or share baked goodies with other residents.


Letting go of excess things can prevent pests and mold. Getting rid of clutter is also beneficial if you want more space and can move freely without distractions.  Besides, an orderly house helps you sleep better and improve your overall well-being.

Getting Organized in Senior Housing

Now it is time to act and start getting organized this New Year.

Plan a cleaning schedule on when to start doing the tasks. You can do this daily by starting with the small tasks and then the bigger ones.

Set a realistic schedule to improve your chance of fulfilling these tasks. You might want to start with three tasks and then choose three or more.

Create new storage solutions for your kitchen stuff, bills, bathroom essentials, toiletries, accessories, office things, and more. Purchase additional storage boxes and label each box to easily identify what’s inside.

Create a daily, weekly, and monthly routine to keep you on track. This will help prevent tasks, stress, and life, in general, get overwhelming. Set a specific time when you need to do your laundry, dispose of the garbage, clean the house, and do other tasks to make your life less stressful.


Looking for an assisted living facility you can thrive in? Click here to check out Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Facilities

End Of Year Declutter Guide For Assisted Living Facilities

It is understandable that assisted living facilities are for people with disabilities or for adults who find it hard to live alone. Likewise, these are facilities that provide basic services for residents, including health care, recreation, security, and transportation, among others.


But it can sometimes become a source of stress particularly when personal stuff begins to clutter the place, they considered their second home. Although most assisted living facilities already include housekeeping and laundry for the residents, some may not enjoy this privilege. You can do a lot to solve this dilemma by helping in decluttering the place, particularly before the year ends.


Benefits of Decluttering


There are a lot of benefits when you declutter your living spaces. In fact, it can make your tasks at home more manageable. It is normal to accumulate a lot of stuff every now and then. Thus, it is never too late or too early to declutter even in assisted living facilities.


  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Improves your sleep
  • Boosts creativity and productivity
  • Helps to discover lost treasures
  • Rids the living space of allergens
  • Saves you money
  • It becomes easier to clean and tidy up


Declutter Guide for Assisted Living Facilities


Decluttering is never limited to your home because you can apply it in assisted living facilities as well. So, even in your senior years, you can still opt to declutter or downsize which is indeed a positive choice to make.


Here is a smart guide that you can apply as a senior or one who aids in assisted living facilities.


  • Give yourself as much time as possible when decluttering
    • Do it just a little bit at a time
    • Give some time to reminisce
    • Plan your decluttering schedule
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed
  • Make practical decisions first when decluttering
  • Start decluttering in an easier space
  • Tackle one area at a time
  • Recognize changes in your lifestyle
  • Recognize changes in your trends
  • Make decisions and plan to sort out each item
  • Trust your gut when deciding to keep or get rid of things


When you are going to declutter, it is important that you organize your schedule and determine which area you are going to start first. Sometimes, it can be very stressful to declutter your living space if you don’t know where to begin.


Remember that you are decluttering because you want to simplify your life and free up a little bit of time, space, energy, and money. Part of this decision is to make life simple now that you are in assisted living facilities. Thus, you might want to choose a lower-maintenance lifestyle that you can easily manage.


At the same time, you will have more time and energy because you are taking less time in taking care of your home after getting rid of cluttered spaces. More importantly, it can reduce the possibility of tripping and falling, making your living space safer and more accessible for as long as possible.


Looking for great assisted living in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about our community!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Independent Living for Seniors

Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide for Someone in Memory Assisted Living

The season of giving is here! One of the more fun and traditional ways to give to the ones you love is by stuffing their stocking. This becomes even more meaningful when you give it to someone in memory assisted living. If you are looking for a perfect guide to make your spouse, family member, or friend happy with your inexpensive gifts this season, this is a good place to start.


Picking the Perfect Stocking


You may find a lot of Christmas stockings for sale everywhere but there is something that puts more value into your gifts not quite available elsewhere. Providing a personal touch to your stocking design already makes it priceless.


Here are some suggestions for this section:


Pull out your loved ones’ old stocking.

  • You can use your loved ones’ old stockings perhaps just stored in the basement gathering dust.

Make a DIY stocking that will match their taste.

  • The elderly might have their own way of doing the stocking stuffers, so why not design one that would make an attractive creation?

Go Budget Friendly.

  • Find a budget-friendly stocking to fill at local stores like Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Target, or Walmart. There are lots of budget-friendly deals to consider this holiday season that are quite a bargain.


Perfect Stocking Stuffers for Those in Memory Assisted Living


After finding the perfect stocking for your elderly loved one in memory assisted living, you can now stuff them with inexpensive gifts. But remember that you should be sensitive about his or her health, mental and physical capabilities, as well as his or her likes and dislikes.


  • Candle
  • Candy
  • Change purse
  • Cologne
  • Disposable camera
  • Essential oils
  • Jewelry
  • Keychain
  • LED flashlight
  • Wallet
  • Wrapped snacks


The list goes on but the important thing here is that you can pick something that actually has a personal meaning that will make a positive impact. During the holiday season, giving some gifts to your beloved elderly folks in memory assisted living makes them so happy.


Stocking stuffers for everyday use


  1. Antifungal soap
  2. Adult cloth diapers
  3. Fingertip pulse oximeter
  4. Bathroom balance bar
  5. Foot-shaped suction pad


Home items for the elderly


  1. Key finder
  2. Medical alert system
  3. Magnifying glass
  4. Wheelchair cup holder
  5. Infrared thermometer


Gadgets as stocking stuffers


  1. Calendar clock
  2. Motion sensor and pager
  3. Smartwatch
  4. Electric can opener
  5. Needle threader


Cool clothing for the elderly


  1. Thermal socks
  2. Slipper socks
  3. Scarf
  4. Winter gloves
  5. Humorous t-shirt prints


Perhaps the lists here will be more than enough to spark your bright ideas on what you need to consider as stocking stuffers for elderly adults in memory assisted living. But of course, it doesn’t end there because you still have a lot of options to consider based on the needs of your beloved elderly.


Looking for a community with great people and excellent care? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

assisted living facilities

Winter Reading List for Readers in Assisted Living Facilities

The cold winter weather means that residents in assisted living facilities will spend more time indoors. Luckily, the act of reading presents fun and exciting worlds and stories for residents to enjoy. Check out our list of great winter reading recommendations!

The Secret of Snow

  • Written by Viola Shipman, this book’s title alone makes it the perfect winter read. In her first holiday novel, Shipman tugs the heartstrings with a story about love, friendship, and strong family traditions. A meteorologist in California goes back to her hometown in Northern Michigan, which has long, dark winters.

Here, she gets back to the life she used to live and rediscovers herself as she hits the restart button.


Us Against You

  • In a story that follows the community of Beartown, New York Times best-selling author Fredrik Backman allows his readers to learn more about the town. But, this time, through a story focused on its hockey team and how it disbanded. The community faces challenges as it tries to save the team and the game they love.


The Winter People

  • Author Jennifer McMahon thrills her readers with the story of a mother and her two daughters living in a farmhouse with a tragic past. Residents in assisted living facilities will spend hours binging this historical mystery trying to figure out its twists and turns.



  • New York Times best-selling author Fredrik Backman offers readers an inspiring novel about a small town called Beartown. The townspeople dream of recognition for their junior ice hockey team.

Showing the turmoil that happens in communities, this book explores how community members deal with challenges. And, how they decide if they will tear them apart instead of bringing them together.


Little Fires Everywhere

  • Author Celeste Ng follows the story of Shaker Heights and its residents, especially Elena Richardson, the suburb native and newcomer Mia Warren, a single mother, and artist. Little fires are lit as these two characters are put on opposing sides in a custody battle. The storyline of this novel alone will surely make residents in assisted living facilities sink their teeth through every page.


The Hate You Give

  • New York Times best-selling author Angie Thomas tells the story of Starr Carter who lives her life moving from her poor neighborhood to her fancy prep school. But that world is shaken when Starr witnesses the killing of her best friend Khalil.

Being the only witness to the shooting, Starr needs to weigh whether she should tell the truth or keep it to save her community.

The Gift Of Reading In Assisted Living Facilities

Aside from offering residents in assisted living facilities these must-read books, you should also stock up on some reading essentials including blue light glasses, journals, bookmarks, and snacks that will keep these residents comfortable and entertained during the cold winter months.

Let them spend hours reading these books as they keep themselves comfortable with the cold winter weather.


Looking for great care in an assisted living facility in Nebraska? Click here to check out Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing Ashland NE

How to Prepare for the Holidays in Memory Assisted Living | Ashland NE

The holiday season is coming fast. Those with family in memory assisted living Ashland NE need to prepare for this busy time of the year. From making sure they are ready for the cold weather to preparing your facility for family visits, here are some tips that will surely come in handy during the holiday season:

Preparing residents in memory assisted living Ashland NE

Invest in good shoes.

  • Seniors in memory assisted living Ashland NE are prone to slips and falls during winter because of the slippery ground. It’s a must to invest in shoes with good traction to keep them from slipping.

Find the best winter clothes.

  • Being older, residents in memory assisted living need to keep themselves warm during the winter months. Therefore, you need to prepare your wardrobe for the cold by making sure they have clothes to layer on, especially when going outside. This includes sweaters, coats, hats, scarves, and socks.

Inspect their rooms.

  • You can’t wait for winter before checking if your facility’s heating system works. Make sure that you schedule a maintenance check early, so repairs can be done to ensure that residents are comfortable. This is also a good time to check if your carbon monoxide detector is working properly.

Preparing family members for holiday visits

Update family members on the resident’s condition.

  • Since family members don’t get to see their loved ones in memory assisted living Ashland NE often, you need to let them know what to expect before their visit. This will give them time to prepare themselves for the resident’s current health condition, especially if there have been significant changes like weight loss or gain, more dependence on the wheelchair, and progressive memory loss.


Let family members know of visitation schedules.

  • You can expect an influx of family members visiting the facility during the holiday season, so you need to plan your schedules accordingly to avoid overcrowding and protect the residents. Receiving many visitors at once can be overwhelming for some residents. So, make sure that families know of visitation schedules and how they can book an appointment with your facility.


Remind family members of the dos and don’ts.

  • Since your primary goal is to protect the welfare of residents in memory assisted living Ashland NE, you need to remind family members of your house rules. This includes what food and drinks residents can and cannot consume, the types of gifts they need to avoid and the activities that they are allowed to do during family visits.

When it comes to preparing for the holiday season in assisted living facilities, early preparation will help you get a head start, so you don’t find yourself being caught in the holiday rush.


Looking for excellent care in assisted living? Click here to discover Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

independent living for seniors

World Osteoporosis Day in Independent Living For Seniors

Every year, the world celebrates World Osteoporosis Day. We spread awareness of the benefits of healthy bones, educate others by sharing stories, and speak of the causes, prevention, and treatments.

Although the condition can strike at any age, residents in independent living for seniors are more prone to osteoporosis. Living with the condition can be challenging. It is crucial for everyone to maintain healthy bones to help fight Osteoporosis.

On October 20, everyone is encouraged to dedicate time to spreading awareness and knowledge about this silent disease.


Osteoporosis is a bone disease, a condition that weakens the person’s bones or when the body fails to produce more bone cells. People with osteoporosis are more prone to breaking their wrists, backbone, and bones in the hip. For someone with Osteoporosis, daily activities can become challenging due to the frailness of their bones.

So, when a person reaches the age of 30, the bone mass stops increasing. It is crucial around this age to keep the bones as healthy as possible as breaks become harder to treat.

Many people suffering from osteoporosis do not feel their bones are breaking down over time. Thus, bone health is crucial regardless of age. And that is when World Osteoporosis Day comes in, to retain healthy bones as people age and prevent bone loss.

World Osteoporosis Day

The number of people with osteoporosis is rising. This bone disease is also increasingly becoming a burden to society, the healthcare community, families, and residents in independent living for seniors.

The annual occasion is a constant reminder for everyone to be proactive in ensuring healthy bones. Regardless of age, it is crucial to improve and maintain the prime health of your bones to remain active and mobile even in your senior years.

World Osteoporosis Day only happens every October 20, but this should not limit everyone’s awareness of the causes of the disease, diagnosis, and treatment. Every day, we all must be reminded of the importance of bone health.

Independent Living For Seniors and Osteoporosis

First, independent living for seniors must employ staff who are trained to understand the disease and the challenges it presents. Staff must also be qualified to care for residents with osteoporosis.

Senior care facilities must also provide services tailored to meet the unique needs of residents with osteoporosis. Facilities must also be osteoporosis-friendly when it comes to medical assistance, food menu, and carefully-planned activities.

Independent living for seniors must strictly follow preventive steps to ensure a clutter-free environment for their residents. Educating residents about the facility layout will keep them aware of the furniture and other things that can cause slip and fall accidents from happening.

Staff must remind and assist residents in taking their medication as prescribed in helping with bone maintenance. Besides, getting residents enough sunshine, the natural source of vitamin D is important to metabolize calcium.

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco