The Plan for Vaccinations in Senior Housing
Residents and employees in senior housing facilities are among the first to receive vaccines against COVID-19 together with healthcare workers in the country. This great news will enable seniors and their families to rest assured that senior housing communities are safe to live in the future.
That said, all the health protocols will be followed, such as wearing masks and observing social distancing, along with the robust safety procedures like deep cleaning, screening, testing, and sanitizing for everybody to be safe.
Senior housing preparation for COVID-19 vaccination
Even with hopes of getting back to normal operations this year, it consequently depends on the widespread distribution of a safe and effective vaccine. Nevertheless, it will vary by state guidelines that regulate the plan for vaccinations in senior housing.
Options for vaccine deployment in senior housing
Influence on existing partnerships with pharmacy with other medical providers
Owners may have existing partnerships with local pharmacies. Ambulance providers, community health centers, local hospitals, regular flu vaccine clinics, and visiting nurse agencies can be influenced to administer the vaccines.
Partnership with local health board
It is essential to know how the local health board operates clinics and if they have capacity to administer vaccines. The local health board can also schedule a clinic for senior housing residents.
Mass vaccination sites, provider, and pharmacy
The residents and staff can look for a site where to conduct a mass vaccination. Certainty, appropriate identification is mandatory to prove that staff and residents meet approval for senior housing prioritization.
So, residents need documentation to verify that they live in public or private subsidized or affordable senior housing. The staff will need a letter from the employer organization and employee identification card issued by the state.
Several other areas for local or mobile vaccine distribution are under consideration. Information about the location of the vaccination will be under regular updates.
The CDC recommends that residents and workers in long-term care facilities are among the first to receive vaccinations.
Plan after the first vaccine distribution
There are providers planning to distribute the vaccines to the associates of the communities after the first round distributions. That is because they are the ones most likely to leave the community, being more likely to spread the virus.
Most importantly, residents will receive education from the company about the importance of getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
To conclude, you may experience normal side-effects, like chills, fatigue, fever, and injection site pain, depending on the type of vaccine administered.
Questions about measures we are taking to keep residents safe during this time? Reach out to us by clicking here.
Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco