Independent Living for Seniors

Summer Time Activities that Help Beat the Heat in Independent Living for Seniors

Summer is a fun season that almost everyone looks forward to. It is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and other activities to enjoy the season fully. But as the summer sun and temperature climb up, everyone needs to stay cool or, better yet, say, indoors. Residents in independent living for seniors are vulnerable to summer heat and heat-related risks. Do not worry—there are still ways to entertain yourself and your friends if the summer sun becomes intolerable. Get ready to make the most of the summer season while staying cool and comfortable.

Importance of Staying Cool in the Summer as We Age

Global warming has made summer months even hotter. Older people are also more at risk of heat-related problems with increased temperatures. In a hot environment, the body temperature rises, putting organs at risk. Sweating and other means of releasing body fluids can dehydrate you.

Our bodies struggle to regulate temperatures as we age, making it crucial to keep cool. Decreased temperature regulation can lead to health risks such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, particularly among seniors with underlying health conditions.

Staying hydrated is the easiest way to keep cool. It is paramount to carry a water bottle when out and about. As the thirst sensation declines with age, one must drink the required minimum water intake even if not thirsty.  Avoid doing outdoor activities or better stay in your independent living for seniors’ quarters or rooms during the hottest hours of the day. Take a shower and wear light clothing for better air circulation.

Summer is not just about having fun; it also prioritizes comfort and safety. Following these simple safety tips can ensure a safe and memorable summer.

Indoor Activities to Try in Independent Living for Seniors

Exposure to extreme heat poses health risks to seniors, so indoor activities are the best option for keeping them physically active. Forget about beaches and outdoor picnics; opt for summer classes like arts and crafts lessons, yoga, dancing, or indoor swimming.

Showcase your cooking prowess and let your friends in your independent living for seniors have a good meal with your family recipes. You can also join cooking classes to improve your culinary skills.

How about reading? It is a great activity for reducing sleep, enhancing sleep, and keeping memory sharp. According to research, reading also delays the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Watching movies is another relaxing activity that can be done with family or friends. It helps reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Regardless of your genre preference, movie-watching is an excellent entertainment that temporarily allows you to escape from the outside world.

Or better yet, start organizing your stuff, another indoor activity with numerous benefits. You get to use the free space, making it convenient to locate things. Lastly, sorting your things lets you see what needs to be kept and find items to donate.\

Loking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Ashland NE

International Day of Friendship in Assisted Living Ashland NE

Friendship is a national language that bridges culture, age, and background gaps. It promotes peace and love regardless of where you are in the world. Even with human differences, friendship promotes acceptance and finding common ground. International Day of Friendship is a yearly reminder that there is still comfort despite today’s chaotic world. Even people in assisted living Ashland, NE, participate and celebrate this special occasion. Let us celebrate friendship and make this world a better place.

International Day of Friendship

The International Day of Friendship was initiated by the United Nations General Assembly and is celebrated every 30th of July. It is a special day dedicated to appreciating the positive impacts of friendship in our lives without paying attention to the culture, location, age, or background.

International Day of Friendship was first adopted in 2011, and since then, the world has come together for this yearly event. Activities are held in different countries, all to promote positivity, kindness, acceptance, and diversity. This day mainly reminds us of the joy and comfort our friends bring to our lives.

The day is also an opportunity to build new friendships. Your new life in assisted living in Ashland, NE, would be more meaningful if you reached out to new people from different backgrounds and cultures. Nurturing this newly forged friendship would contribute to a more positive experience throughout your stay.

Importance of Friendships as We Age

Friends make life more bearable. They also play a critical role in a person’s health and overall well-being. Nurturing the bond between friends makes life more beautiful. Socialization is essential as we grow old. It reduces the feeling of isolation and loneliness while in assisted living. Friends can provide support, lift your mood during bad times, and celebrate with you during good times. During the later part of our lives, friendships provide a sense of belonging and emotional support.

Studies show that friendships are also critical in maintaining cognitive function. Engaging in conversation, sharing experiences, and doing activities together keep the brain active. When loneliness and depression set in as we grow older, it is best to cherish existing friendships and create new ones for emotional and mental support. This is essential to promoting overall well-being throughout the golden years in assisted living in Ashland, NE.

Making Friends in Assisted Living Ashland NE

Moving to a new place can be quite a challenge. But on a lighter note, this is also a great opportunity to make new friends. Here are some ways to meet new friends:

  • Spend time in the common areas – watch TV, read books, or just lounge, then make the first move to talk to someone that can lead to good conversation and eventually to friendship.
  • Join clubs and participate in activities – it will be easier to meet new friends of shared interest to know each other better and explore things together.
  • Always put a smile on your face – when you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you. Residents in assisted living Ashland NE are most likely to approach you and probably strike up a conversation if you have a smile on your face.
  • Keep an open mind- while it is good to make friends with people of the same interest, meeting people of different backgrounds or interests does not hurt.

Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Tech Tools for Facilities for Alzheimer’s: Reviewing the Latest Gadgets & Apps to Assist Individuals with Memory Impairments

Technology is constantly evolving, enhancing the lives of humanity, including those in facilities for Alzheimer’s. The advancement of technology ranges from simple to complex tools or gadgets, all to improve residents’ comfort, safety, and overall well-being. By integrating the latest technology in Alzheimer’s facilities, they can offer efficient and effective support to patients while giving their families peace of mind.

How Technology Can Help People with Dementia

Technology has profoundly changed how we live. It significantly transformed different aspects of life and influenced education, communication, interests, economy, and healthcare.

Innovative solutions are now available to care for and manage dementia effectively. From wearable devices to sensors to smart home essentials and mobile apps, dementia can now be easily managed. Add to that the tools that can detect changes in behavior and cognitive function, allowing healthcare professionals to provide early intervention and delay the progress of the disease.

Gadgets & Apps in Facilities for Alzheimer’s

The accessibility of mobile apps and devices allows residents in facilities for Alzheimer’s to play interactive games for entertainment and brain stimulation, improving mental functions. Also, specific apps help in medication management and appointments, promoting independence.

GPS trackers or location devices can help patients avoid wandering, one of the most common signs of dementia. These technologies work in different ways but have the same purpose: to alert and easily locate dementia patients when wandering, reducing the risk of physical harm.

Smart devices also have virtual assistants like Siri for Apple and Alexa for Android. These assistants allow dementia patients to ask questions or provide commands, which is useful for different purposes. Voice or Virtual Assistants using AI can also be programmed to help with medicine schedules and appointments, alarms, and calendars.

Hearing aids, braille remote controls, and handheld magnifiers are useful for patients with hearing and vision problems.

Robotics are another technological breakthrough designed to help dementia patients with psychological distress. According to an article published in the Journal of Global Health Reports, studies suggest that robotherapy reduces signs of restlessness, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. However, robotic technology is not user-friendly. Another thing, this can be expensive and might not be suited for everyone.

Dementia patients in facilities for Alzheimer’s are not the only ones benefiting from these innovative tools. Through these advanced tools and devices, caregivers’ burdens are eased out.

Monitoring and safety wearables allow caregivers to act quickly, reducing risks and accidents in instances of wandering. Apps and devices also help caregivers manage medicines and schedules. Reminders and calendars allow caregivers to handle their daily tasks effectively without the risk of overlooking important tasks.

Tech in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Wrap-Up

Incorporating technology provides a wealth of benefits for patients and carers in facilities for Alzheimer’s. From entertainment to early intervention to management and enhanced safety, technology improved the quality of life of dementia patients and the effective caregiving approach from the carers. Despite the challenges that come with this neurodegenerative disease, technology continues to provide innovative solutions that support patients to be independent without risking their safety. For families with loved ones suffering from dementia, technology is now an integral tool in alleviating the challenges that come with dementia.

Click here to learn more about memory care at Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing Ashland NE

Good Care Month in Senior Housing Ashland NE

The health and care sector plays a critical role in our society. Health and care professionals work long hours to offer their expertise, skills, and compassionate care to people of all ages. Their dedication and knowledge help improve our health, regain independence, and live with dignity. Health and care sector workers work tirelessly to protect people’s lives and health. Now, it is time to recognize the healthcare heroes. Other than the claps and words of appreciation, Good Care Month is the time to highlight their stellar work and contribution to society and the aging population including those in senior housing Ashland NE.

What is Good Care Month?

Good Care Month is celebrated throughout July as a tribute to the unsung heroes of our society. It is an important yearly event that highlights the role of health and care workers in our lives. Over the years, what started in the UK is now a widely recognized event with a wide variety of activities and programs to celebrate the celebration of caregivers and promote high-quality care services.

However, Good Care Month benefits not only the caregivers and health workers but also those who receive care. Improved care standards significantly improve patients’ conditions while maintaining their dignity. Good Care Month also encourages healthcare institutions to strive for better care practices and approaches to benefit their staff and patients.

Workshops, trainings, community outreach programs, and celebrations are the main events during Good Care Month. They all aim to highlight the importance of caregivers, quality care, and improving care initiatives.

How To Show Caregivers Appreciation

Carers are also human that need care and support. They have tirelessly dedicated their services and time but are often not rewarded and appreciated. Here are some thoughtful ways to show appreciation to caregivers in senior housing Ashland NE.

Say “Thank You”

It does not matter how you show your gratitude. You can express it verbally or through a simple thank you note. Take the time to write a heartfelt message highlighting how your carer made a significant impact on your life.

Flowers or Treats

Give your senior housing Ashland NE carers their favorite treats.  A bouquet of flowers, their favorite meal, or any token can go a long way and make them feel special.


A relaxing massage is now a necessity, with mental and physical benefits. Treat caregivers to a therapeutic massage to reduce stress and fatigue. Massage can help relieve sore muscles while improving mood and increasing energy.

Public Appreciation

Senior housing Ashland NE can also organize a special event celebrating the carers’ hard work. Use social media platforms to recognize the importance of the carers’ skills and compassion.

Good Care Month is an excellent opportunity to show gratitude to the healthcare sector and its selfless workforce, who offer a safety net during illness, pandemics, and health scares. Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Facilities

Summer Activity Ideas for Residents in Assisted Living Facilities

Residents in assisted living facilities can enhance their well-being and raise a sense of community through summer activities. They can do many things like gardening, nature walks, and picnics, allowing residents to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. They can also organize social events such as ice cream socials, barbecues, and outdoor games to promote interaction and fun.

Creative indoor activities like arts and crafts, music therapy, and movie nights will also provide enjoyable alternatives on hot days. Residents can also attend themed events and excursions to local attractions to stimulate the mind and provide variety. Participating in these activities will help residents stay active, engaged, and connected during the exciting summer months.

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

It is the perfect time to soak up the sun and rejuvenate while enjoying the fresh air. You must go outside, relax, and do some new hobbies or spend a little time for yourself, particularly in assisted living facilities. But remember that it always comes with some potential risks. So, when you plan to spend some extra time outside this summer, ensure you are safe.

  • Make it a point to check the forecast first
  • Use sunglasses during the hot sunny days
  • Use an umbrella if necessary
  • Prioritize hydration during the summer by bringing a bottle of water with you.
  • Wear the right clothes to keep your body breathing instead of wearing less clothes.
  • Keep your medicines well labeled and keep it away from direct sunlight
  • Know the warning signs of fatigue and heat stroke
  • Carry with your emergency contact numbers

Summer Activities for Residents in Assisted Living Facilities

There are so many fun things to do for residents in assisted living facilities during the summer.

  • Let them participate in ice cream parties.
  • Keep residents hydrated by setting up a few lemonade stands in the facility.
  • Organize fun baseball games for residents to watch in your backyard
  • Fridays can be more fun if you can provide barbecued foods like hotdogs and burgers
  • Indoor outings such as museum excursions for seniors in assisted living facilities are cool ways to keep cool this summer
  • Cool summer evenings are great for stargazing on your backyard patio
  • Baking during the summer is also a fun way to keep seniors involved and engaged

Other summer activities for seniors can also bring significant value, particularly those in assisted living facilities.

  • Gardening
  • Outdoor plays or concerts
  • Water aerobics or swimming
  • Join walking clubs
  • Workshops for arts and crafts
  • Local sightseeing
  • Summer reading clubs
  • Outdoor tai chi or yoga activities
  • Bird watching
  • Go fishing
  • Photography to document their summer experience
  • Board games
  • Dance lessons
  • Movie nights


The possibilities are endless for seniors to make summer even more fun in assisted living facilities. Many of these communities understand the importance of active senior living. So, they offer different summer activities to cater to diverse interests and physical capabilities so they can be engaged and happy all summer.

Click here to learn all about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing

Recognizing National Osteoporosis Month in Senior Housing


National Osteoporosis Month, observed every May, is crucial for raising awareness about osteoporosis. This month highlights the importance of early detection, preventive measures, and effective treatment options. Public education campaigns and health screenings, particularly in senior housing facilities, promote bone health and encourage lifestyle changes, such as proper nutrition and regular exercise for seniors.

By emphasizing research and support for those affected, National Osteoporosis Month aims to reduce the prevalence of this silent disease and improve the quality of life of millions of people. Awareness efforts help empower individuals, especially residents, to take proactive steps toward maintaining strong, healthy bones during aging.

What is National Osteoporosis Month?

This special awareness month marks the significance of informing people about the critical importance of bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. This type of bone disease is characterized by brittle, weak bones. Often, it is called a silent disease since the patient cannot feel his or her bones getting weaker. The truth is that you may not even know you have the disease until you break a bone in your body.

National Osteoporosis Month generates awareness and provides a way to keep bones healthy. Contrary to what most people think, osteoporosis is not a normal symptom of aging. Moreover, it can lead to serious broken bones, life-altering loss of mobility, pain, suffering, and even death.

On the other hand, this disease is preventable through regular calcium and vitamin D intake and even treatable through medications and physical therapy.

Signs and Treatments for Senior Housing Residents

Osteoporosis is also termed a silent disease due to the absence of symptoms until a bone is broken. The symptoms of spine fracture include loss of height, severe back pain, and spine malformations, including hunched or stooped posture.

As a result, the bones may become fragile, leading to spontaneous fractures for the following reasons.

  • Normal stresses like bending, lifting, or coughing
  • Minor falls that include a fall from standing height normally cause a break in a healthy bone.

Some factors can increase the risk for osteoporosis, which include the following.

  • Bone loss can happen much faster as you age, and it becomes slower to grow a new bone.
  • Women are prone to developing osteoporosis because they have lower peak bone mass with smaller bones compared to men.
  • Thin-boned people are also at a greater risk of developing the disease because they have less bone to lose.
  • White men are at a higher risk in comparison to Mexican American and African American men. On the other hand, white and Asian women are at the highest risk, while Mexican American and African American women have a lower risk.
  • Family history is also a factor if one of your parents has a history of osteoporosis or hip fracture.

Osteoporosis Wrap Up

Senior housing residents are prone to osteoporosis, but exercise and treatments can prevent bone density loss. Vitamin and mineral supplements are the most common treatments. Medications, which include hormone therapies, parathyroid hormone analogs, romosozumab, and denosumab, are also used to treat osteoporosis.

In addition, healthcare providers can provide help if you notice any changes in your body that you suspect to be warning signs. You can refer to your provider about any other symptoms you are experiencing, particularly if you have bone pain or have trouble moving.


Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

Honoring Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month in Memory Assisted Living | Ashland NE

It is essential to raise awareness and support residents of memory assisted living Ashland NE affected by Alzheimer’s. June is Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month, emphasizing the importance of brain health, early detection, and innovative research. Activities like educational seminars, memory-boosting exercises, and support group sessions provide valuable resources for residents and their families.

Some commemorative events and fundraisers promote solidarity and contribute to ongoing research efforts. By highlighting the challenges of Alzheimer’s and encouraging community involvement, these facilities foster a kindhearted environment, enhance resident care, and advocate for advancements in treatment and understanding of brain health.

What is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month?

Dementia was first discovered by ancient Egyptians in 2000 B.C. when they became aware that memory declines with age. However, the first case of Alzheimer’s was in 1906 when a German physicist identified a patient with profound memory loss.

In 1983, US President Reagan initiated the observance of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. This is for raising awareness regarding Alzheimer’s so that people can get involved in its recognition.

This is an opportunity to spread the word about the disease and other dementias. Throughout this month, people are encouraged to support this movement by wearing purple and teaching their brains to fight the disease.

Brain Health for Seniors in Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

It is very important to maintain a healthy brain because age and genetics are risk factors out fo our control. Fortunately, though, the effects of these risk factors can be managed through the following techniques.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Become socially active
  • Follow a healthy diet that you can enjoy
  • Make safe and conscious choices
  • Manage stress properly
  • Challenge your brain

Apart from that, you should know that your brain is a complex structure with billions of cells in motion to control movement, memories, speech, and emotions. That said, you should not take your brain for granted by taking steps to keep it healthy and reduce the risk of developing dementia as you age.

It is important to note that a healthy human brain has tens of billions of neurons specialized to process and transmit information through chemical and electrical signals. Alzheimer’s disease will disrupt communication and result in the widespread loss of brain function.

Alzheimer’s can affect the brain because many neurons will stop functioning properly, lose connections with other neurons, and eventually die. At the same time, this disease can disrupt the processes vital to the neurons and their networks, which include metabolism, repair, and speech.

The detection of dementia in the early 2000s was possible only after death to view molecular and cellular changes in brain tissue using a microscope. It is good that modern research could use advances in diagnostics such as brain PET scan imaging and blood tests so that doctors and researchers can come up with more precise and earlier diagnoses of a living person.

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month Wrap Up

The observance of Alzheimer’s and brain awareness month in memory assisted living Ashland, NE, enables people to support the needs of residents and their families during this challenging stage of life.

Are you looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing Ashland NE

Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day in Memory Assisted Living

There are many ways to celebrate Father’s Day, such as honoring the fathers and those who stood for the role. But it is no different when celebrating Father’s Day in memory assisted living. There are activities like family visits, shared meals, and giving personal gifts to create a warm and friendly atmosphere for the residents.

Alternatively, family members can organize storytelling sessions, where residents share their favorite memories, help build connections, and keep minds active. Residents can also enjoy making handmade cards or decorations. By focusing on love and appreciation, these activities help residents feel special and connected on this important day.


Activities for Dads in Memory Assisted Living

If you have a dad or granddad in memory assisted living facilities, then it is important to understand that it can be quite challenging for you and your family. Your father with dementia may fail to know your family, and it can be hard to celebrate occasions together as a family.

But that doesn’t mean you must give up the idea of spending quality time with your dad. Here are wonderful activities you can try with your father.

  • Watch a classic film with Dad.
  • Play board games
  • Play cards
  • Coloring books for the occasion
  • Go on a road trip

Even if Dad has dementia, there are still so many things that you can do with him on Father’s Day. You can begin by reliving childhood memories or pastimes together. That is because he might forget what he had for breakfast but still recall his distant past with his long-term memory.

But if your father doesn’t respond to such activities, it is not a cause for discouragement. Being with someone with dementia can be difficult, which is why it is very important to practice self-care and get support from others.

Easy Gift Ideas

If you haven’t decided what to give your father on Father’s Day, perhaps it is time to think about the possible gifts he will cherish. That is because dads love thoughtful and useful gifts.

  • Customized gift baskets filled with things he can use and enjoy
  • A gift that can help him relax and unwind
  • Send a heartfelt letter or card
  • Keep him connected with some technology gifts
  • Custom photo album, blanket, calendar, or puzzle
  • Pretty creative jigsaw puzzles
  • Coloring books with illustrations
  • Easy-to-use CD player

Note that dementia is characterized by the loss of memory. If your father is among the 7% of seniors with this condition, then it can be hard for you to cope with. But you shouldn’t despair because there are always remedies that will make life easier for your dad and your family.

If you are going to celebrate this occasion with your main man and other father figures in your life, then you must be with him and make him feel special. Remember that celebrating Father’s Day in memory assisted living doesn’t mean it must be lavish because even the smallest gesture can make a dad smile.


Looking for excellent memory care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

Mental Health Awareness Month in Assisted Living Facilities

Mental Health Awareness Month in assisted living facilities is a critical occasion to spotlight the unique challenges and needs of their residents. In these communities, fostering mental well-being is essential. Activities such as group therapy sessions, mindfulness exercises, and educational seminars can empower residents to manage stress, anxiety, and depression effectively.

Staff training on recognizing signs of mental health issues and providing empathetic support is crucial. Creating an environment where residents feel heard and understood can significantly enhance their quality of life. Moreover, initiatives to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health encourage open dialogue and promote a culture of acceptance and understanding.

By dedicating attention to mental health during this month and beyond, assisted living facilities can prioritize their residents’ holistic well-being, ensuring they live fulfilling and honorable lives.


What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

It was in 1949 when Mental Health Awareness Month started to be the cornerstone in addressing the challenges faced by millions of people living with mental health conditions in the U.S. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) actively participates in this national event to eliminate humiliation, extend support, foster public education, and support policies prioritizing the wellness of individuals and families affected by this mental illness.

NAMI celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month by urging people to foster open dialogues, nurture compassion, and understand. The organization also encourages you to share resources to support individuals and families on their journey toward mental well-being.


How to Take Care of Mental Health in Assisted Living Facilities

There are many ways to care for older adults and caregivers in assisted living facilities. One of them is to maintain a daily routine that aids in residents’ mental wellness.

  • Start your day with a healthy breakfast in mind
  • Find time to exercise, even 15-20 minutes per day
  • Stay connected with family or friends or participate in social activities
  • Start a new project that may inspire you
  • Get enough sleep

Note that seniors are quite vulnerable to mental health issues. Common conditions include anxiety, mood disorders, and severe cognitive impairment, including depression or bipolar depression.

The good news is that you can improve senior mental health. Senior mental health is a treatable condition. A number of activities and resources can help keep older adults engaged and in good mental health.

  • Play some mind games to keep the brain stimulated, stay sharp, and avoid cognitive decline during aging.
  • Get physically active or participate in regular walks, yoga classes, and ballroom dancing.
  • Staying connected with friends can also stave off loneliness and feelings of isolation.
  • Picking up a new hobby can help older adults to help increase the neuroplasticity of the brain.
  • Volunteer work can also become a rewarding experience at any age
  • Caring for a pet can aid seniors in becoming active and busy while giving companionship and unconditional love

Older adults in assisted living facilities need to take care of their mental health because they can be more susceptible to other physical ailments and conditions without a stable and healthy mind.

Click here to learn all about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing Ashland NE

National Senior Health and Fitness Day in Senior Housing Ashland NE

National Senior Health and Fitness Day can be celebrated in senior housing Ashland, NE, with various engaging activities for residents’ needs. To promote physical activity and mobility, you can organize group exercise classes such as yoga, chair aerobics, or gentle stretching sessions.

On the other hand, you can offer health screenings and informational sessions on nutrition, medication management, and fall prevention to empower seniors to take charge of their health. You might also arrange outdoor walks or nature outings for fresh air and social interaction and incorporate fun challenges or games that promote cognitive stimulation and motor skills.

In addition, why not host healthy cooking demonstrations or nutrition workshops to educate seniors about balanced eating habits? Remember to emphasize inclusivity and accessibility in all activities, ensuring that every resident can participate and enjoy the benefits of National Senior Health and Fitness Day.


National Senior Health and Fitness Day

This particular day is celebrated every last Wednesday of May and is dedicated to improving the health of seniors. The main purpose is to aid American seniors in staying healthy and fit. Different organizations all over the U.S. are organizing events to spread the word regarding the importance of eldercare and the different ways of doing it.

There are various options for exploring the physical activity available for seniors; part of this is acknowledging the importance of nutrition and exercise to prevent diseases. A healthy diet can boost immunity and energy, while regular exercise can retain bone mass as it lowers the risk of fractures, particularly for residents in senior housing in Ashland, NE.


Celebrating in Senior Housing Ashland NE

Did you know that staying physically active can help seniors with Alzheimer’s? Older adults with mild to moderate symptoms of the disease need regular physical activity so that their bodies stay healthy and strong. Here are the benefits of exercise seniors can perform in senior housing facilities.

  • Improves weight and fitness
  • Strengthens the muscles and bones
  • Controls blood sugar and blood pressure
  • Keeps the heart and lungs healthy
  • Keeps the brain healthy
  • Reduces risks of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes or heart disease

Senior housing Ashland, NE, can benefit from exercise and a healthy diet to fight dementia. This progressive disease destroys memory and other vital brain functions. Older adults can also benefit from aerobic exercise by improving memory, mental awareness, and cognitive functions.

Although there are no studies indicating that exercising can prevent dementia, regular workouts can decrease the chances when paired with a healthy diet. If you are uncertain what a healthy diet can be for older adults in senior housing Ashland, NE, you can see a dietitian. A healthy lifestyle may include exercising daily, eating well, and staying socially active. Studies show that living healthy and engaging the brain in new activities can help keep the brain healthy.


Learn more about Richmont Senior Living by clicking here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco