Senior Housing Ashland NE

How You Can Give Back to Local Senior Housing in Ashland NE

Senior housing Ashland NE is a haven for senior adults because of the attention and care they receive. However, being in this place is also difficult both for the resident and the family for they lack the time and capacity to care for their loved ones.

Aside from senior housing facilities, families and concern groups contribute to the activities and programs that make the lives of residents more meaningful.

Donations and reach-out programs will always bring a smile to the residents’ faces more particularly those who don’t have visitors, phone calls, or cards during special occasions.

Why Give Back

Dedicating your time or resources no matter how small or big offers a multitude of benefits not only to the senior residents but to you as well. Giving back gives a long-lasting impact on the community and it is inspiring to see that impact that you have made

  • Volunteering is a great opportunity to expand your network and build relationships with other people you meet outside of your everyday living
  • Studies have shown that volunteering improves physical health, lowers stress levels, and aids in managing chronic health conditions
  • Volunteer also works as a venue to find opportunities for future endeavors, change of career, or references.
  • Cleaning drives or book donations enhance the lives of residents and improve the community. A strong and safe community makes for a better standard of healthier and secure living for everyone.
  • Lastly, giving back teaches gratitude and kindness. Both giver and receiver find new appreciation thanks to donating.


How Can I Give Back To Senior Housing In Ashland NE?

Foremost, it is best to phone your nearest housing home to inquire about their volunteer and donation rules. Speak to the facility director or social worker to know what the senior residents might need.

Once you learn the donation process, you can start collecting items that seniors can use and appreciate.

  • Homemade stationery makes the most affordable yet special items the elderly will appreciate. The colorful set of stationery makes memorable writing sheets when sending letters to family and friends.
  • Throw blankets are great for portable comfort. Many residents feel cold this time of year and throws are the perfect size for bringing around the facility.
  • Pair the throw blankets with soft socks to keep their feet warm. Always go for socks with sole grips to reduce the risk of resident falls.
  • Personal care supplies like shampoo, soap, lotion, and pill dispensers are essential items.
  • Books or card games will give senior residents simple entertainment that they can share with other residents.

All senior housing facilities, like Richmont Senior Living, appreciates your time and any donations provided.

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Memory Assisted Living

How to Help Residents in Memory Assisted Living in Ashland NE Celebrate Valentine’s Day

We just celebrated New Year and now Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. With the love month upon us, the senior residents in memory assisted living Ashland NE must feel the love and care too. February 14 is the perfect occasion to show love and affection and spend quality time with senior loved ones.

Doing fun and engaging activities will help seniors temporarily forget the feeling of sadness when missing a friend, spouse, or family. Activities for seniors will not only boost their mood but also their overall wellness.

Ways Residents in Memory Assisted Living in Ashland NE Can Celebrate

Fun and Games

Kick off the love month celebration by making the environment more festive. It will not only make the facility more special and romantic but encourage creativity. Red balloons are the easiest décor to make. But you can add DIY kiss balloons, heart-shaped garlands, and floral hearts will memory assisted living Ashland NE with love.

Arrange a day where seniors can participate in fun games at the same time socialize with other residents. Try love-themed games and activities to match the mood of the celebration. But board games or word searches are great at stimulating memory.

Food To Share

Prepare your best recipe and share it with your fellow senior residents. Or make Valentine cookies or your favorite sweet treat to give to family and friends.

Romantic Movie Night

You can watch a romantic movie with a friend or schedule a group date with family. Prepare snacks together, then get cozy, and enjoy the movie.

Virtual Date

Valentine’s Day is a day for your loved ones and should only be filled with joyful feelings, reconnection, and love. Set up a virtual date for everyone to join in. This is the best solution for family members who live out of state or out of the county whom you have not seen for years.

With any device that can be connected to the Internet, the use of messaging app will make the virtual date convenient and easy. Reminisce family stories, catch up, and share things you’ve been up to these days.

How You Can Contribute to the Celebration

No matter how you would like to spend your Valentine in memory assisted living Ashland NE, there are ways you can do to make the celebration more meaningful.

First, if you are free at that time, the gift of time can bring so much happiness to a loved one in memory assisted facility. Let your kids participate by making handwritten notes or DIY cards to give to senior residents. Doing so will encourage your kids to be more creative while sharing the gift of love and time.

Baked sweet treats and bring them to facilities in Ashland for a more festive Valentine’s Day celebration.

Set up a gift-giving drive for your chosen memory assisted living Ashland NE. Bring gifts, DIY cards, arts & crafts, cash, or in-kind that the seniors can use every day.

Sharing your time, creativity, and support is greatly appreciated by residents in senior housing facilities, like Richmont Senior Living.

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

assisted living

How to Set Resolutions You Can Stick to in Assisted Living

The last 2 years have taught us to be more patient and appreciate what we have in assisted living. What we generally take for granted are the most important treasures in life: family and health.

As we enter 2022, apart from gratitude, it is normal for people to set new aspirations, goals, and resolutions like self-improvement to spark positive change.

Residents in assisted living are not exempt from setting goals and resolutions.

While resolutions vary and some are attainable, it is a fact that most are only good at setting goals without actually fulfilling them. But since we are just halfway through January 2022, it is best to focus your energy on sticking to your New Year’s resolutions.

Choose the Right Resolution

Always choose a resolution that is doable and realistic. Do not mind peer or societal pressure. Your goal should be specific and relevant.

For instance, you can say “I want to regularly exercise” when you can specifically say “I will do routine exercise at least 30 minutes a day”. Are you doing it for the right reasons? Or just because this is what others want you to do.

Create a Plan

A decline in health is normal as people age and those who are in senior housing, so regular exercise can help delay heart problems and osteoporosis.

If you want to improve your mood, energy, and strength, choose a specific time of day when to do your exercise for example. You cannot just execute your plans when you feel like doing it.

Be Mentally Prepared

It is not going to be every day that you are inspired or motivated to stick to your resolutions. This can be challenging, but preparing for this kind of scenario will give you the power to keep moving forward.

When you encounter setbacks, avoid the temptation to break your resolutions. Instead, reassess how you can achieve your goals.

Be Patient

Understand that seeing significant results do not happen overnight. You need to make a conscious effort and dedication to see the changes.

Apart from physical strength, regardless of your age, it takes mental power to understand that goals take time. A patient attitude will help you stay on track despite the long process.

Be Positive

Positive thinking is not only important to overcome bad habits but also lowers depression levels, improves physical and psychological well-being, and increases life span.

In sticking to your resolutions, thinking positive will aid in beating challenges and the temptation to revert to old habits.

Keeping your resolutions can be difficult. Most of the time, people tend to stick to these goals only for a month or two.

However, it is important to understand that changing your behavior or achieving a goal is only possible if you will let it happen. With baby steps, a concrete plan, a positive attitude, and perseverance, you will successfully reach it.


Are you in search of a positive environment to set your new life in order? Click here to check out Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Facilities for Alzheimer's

How to Stay safe as COVID Cases rise | Memory Assisted Living

COVID19 is a crisis that has affected hundreds of nations, millions of its citizens, and the world in general. The coronavirus is a serious health risk that should not be ignored. You and your loved ones including those in memory assisted living must continue to take measures to protect yourselves from the deadly virus.

Doing all the safety practices as mandated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will lower the risk of getting or spreading the infection.

Elderly people with underlying health conditions or weakened immunity are also encouraged to get vaccinated as the first step towards protecting yourself, family members, and the people around you.

Tips For Staying Safe

  • Wash hands regularly especially before and after eating, after touching high-touched places, or before touching face, nose, or mouth. If soap and clean water are inaccessible, use 70% alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • Wear a mask when going out or when in crowded areas
  • Practice social distancing; 6 feet apart from others
  • But when feeling unwell or if living in areas with high infection rates, consider staying at home
  • Always cover the mouth with your when you cough or sneeze
  • Disinfect commonly visited areas in memory assisted living and frequently touched surfaces
  • Follow community guidelines

Best Practices for Staying Healthy

Staying indoors means less socialization and activities that could take a toll on your health. Limited movement and reduced physical exercise can affect mental and physical health.

But despite the forced isolation, there are still ways that you can do stay healthy at home and in memory assisted facilities.

  • A few minutes of walking or stretching can go a long way. Doing light exercises regularly will help improve blood circulation, lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, promotes flexibility and balance, and increase muscle strength.
  • Look after your mental health and your loved ones in memory assisted living Keep informed by listening or the watching news to be updated with the latest happenings from reliable health organizations; WHO, CDC, etc. Keep in touch with your loved ones via online messaging apps or telephone.
  • Eat healthy food and on time. Cut back on salt, fats, oil, and sugar. Stay hydrated by drinking water. Consume a variety of food including fresh fruits and vegetables. Refrain from eating processed food.
  • Do not forget to take your medications, vitamins, and supplements regularly.
  • Take enough rest and get at least 7 or more hours of sleep every day as recommended by CDC. A night of good sleep plays a critical role in one’s overall health.

Common Symptoms of the Omicron Variant

Health reports show that the common symptoms of the COVID19 Omicron variant are as follows:

  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • headache
  • Mild to severe body malaise or fatigue

While the Omicron variant is milder than Delta, it is imperative to recognize the symptoms. If so, get tested and isolate to stop the spread of the virus in memory assisted living.

Are you looking for a great place to retire? Check out our facility at Richmont Senior Living by clicking here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco