Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE

Early Signs of Dementia: When is it Time to Consider Memory Care?

Being diagnosed with dementia can represent a major life change not only for the individual diagnosed with the condition but also for their loved ones. As the disease progresses, symptoms worsen, affecting the day-to-day activities. Most families lack the knowledge and ability to care for the needs specific to the condition. What are the early signs of dementia? When is the best time to consider memory assisted living Ashland NE? We will explore the early signs of dementia and the best time to consider memory care.

Early Signs of Dementia

Dementia is a condition that causes a decline in cognitive function. Subtle symptoms are observed during the early stage. It is essential to recognize the early symptoms of dementia. Early diagnosis will allow timely intervention and slow down the progress of the disease. Knowing these early signs would also help in planning for the future like the need to move to memory assisted living Ashland NE.

Memory loss is the most common sign. Although forgetfulness is age-related, memory loss in dementia affects daily life. This includes forgetting recently acquired information, repeating the same question repeatedly, or relying too much on calendars and reminders.

  • A person with early signs of dementia experiences difficulty in keeping track of their monthly bills.
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks is another sign of dementia, like forgetting game rules, needing help using home appliances, or having difficulty organizing.
  • People with dementia often lose track of time and forget the time or date.
  • People living with dementia are also observed to have trouble engaging in or following conversations.
  • Another early sign is the decline in reasoning skills. They neglect personal hygiene.

While these lapses seem normal as people age, worsening cognitive decline could indicate a more serious issue. If you notice some of these symptoms, scheduling an appointment with a doctor is best.

When is it Time to Consider Memory Assisted Living Ashland NE?

There is no time frame as to when is the best time to transition to memory assisted living Ashland NE. A doctor can determine when level of care is necessary for your loved one.

But here are some signs that will somehow determine that the dementia has worsened:

  • Wandering becomes more common as dementia advances. If a loved one often wanders, it could mean that he/she is more at risk of getting lost or being involved in an accident.
  • Changes in behavior, such as aggression or anything that seems to be out of the ordinary, are another indicator of advanced dementia.
  • Changes in mood like social isolation, depression, or anxiety, your loved one might need specialized support that only professionals in memory care can provide.

The transition can be difficult for the loved one with dementia and the whole family. However, to slow down progression, it is best to receive the best care and disease management as soon as possible. When considering memory assisted living in Ashland, NEyou and your loved ones are assured of a supportive and nurturing environment that prioritizes safety. Your loved ones will also receive personalized care and engaging activities for their overall well-being.

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Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Independent Living for Seniors

Celebrating Kindness Week in Independent Living for Seniors

An act of kindness is a great way to make someone’s day even brighter, especially for senior adults in independent living for seniors. Treating everyone with respect and kindness makes the person at the receiving end and you happier. An act of kindness strengthens the bond and creates a meaningful connection. Above all, it makes all parties feel good and inspires others to do the same. This Kindness Week, we encourage everyone to show compassion and empathy for senior adults and make a difference in their lives in independent living.

What is Kindness Week?

A group of associations from Thailand, Australia, England, and the United States of America initiated the concept of Kindness Week to promote kindness and compassion. These associations came together to start the World Kindness Movement and launched World Kindness Week in 1997.

Kindness Week reminds us that even a simple smile or greeting can significantly impact someone else’s day. It is all about spreading awareness of the benefits of being kind, from mental to emotional health. Everyone is encouraged to participate in events and activities that promote kindness and inspire others to join the act of kindness movement.

Through these activities organized by organizations like Independent Living for Seniors, everyone contributes to creating a kinder and more compassionate world. The more we practice kindness, the more we benefit from it. So, let us join the movement and try to be kind daily. 

Spreading Kindness in Independent Living for Seniors

See below the list of simple and thoughtful actions you can do for your staff, carers, senior residents and their families, and everyone around you.

  • Make an effort to visit your loved ones in independent living for seniors. For example, take them to their favorite restaurant for lunch or dinner.
  • Offer to help clean and organize loved one’s apartment or quarters.
  • Do tasks that are difficult for your loved one to handle.
  • Bring his/her favorite flowers, meal, or treats every time you visit.
  • Do his/her favorite hobbies together to strengthen the bond.
  • Share a meal or share home-cooked meals with other residents or staff.
  • Write notes of appreciation whenever you can. This does not require a special occasion and can be done to neighbors, family members, or colleagues.
  • Smile at random strangers, say hello, or give simple compliments to make their day. Do the same to staff and carers.
  • Bake your most loved recipe and share this with everyone in the facility to enjoy.
  • Be their constant listener, someone they can share their feelings with without judgment.
  • Write inspiring notes to brighten loved ones’ days or remind them they are loved. You can also do this to facility staff and carers.

An act of kindness does not have to be grand as long as it is done with the genuine intention of a kind human. Small or big, kindness is the best gift you can share with others.

Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Senior Housing Near Me

Ways to Celebrate Veterans Day in Senior Housing Near Me

Veterans Day is a unique annual occasion celebrating the brave men and women who fought for their country. In the United States, it is a day to honor and recognize their service with gratitude. With or without family members in senior housing, please take this opportunity to visit them in senior housing communities. Use the Internet to search for “senior housing near me” where there are many senior veterans to pay tribute to. Join the rest of the country in commemorating the senior veterans’ great acts and making every year’s celebration more meaningful.

History of Veterans Day

Veterans Day was initially Armistice Day. It was declared by then-President Woodrow Wilson on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour to honor those who lost their lives during WWI. In 1994, at the end of the Korean War, President Dwight Eisenhower changed the name to Veterans Day. Since then, Veterans Day has been celebrated nationwide as a state and federal holiday.

Various events and activities are organized across the country. Senior housing facilities near me and in different states make it a point to participate in this important yearly event. It’s a day full of pride and gratitude in honor of veterans who dedicated their lives to the love of their country.

Celebrating Veterans Day in Nursing Homes

Senior housing communities are sure to have veteran residents, and it is just to honor them every day. But on this special day, your facility can organize several activities to give them VIP treatment.

  • If your facility has a flag pole, organize a flag-raising ceremony. If not, host a Veterans’ Parade in your facility or encourage able senior residents to attend local parades. This would be a perfect opportunity for a change of scenery and socialization.
  • Organize a storytelling event, allowing veterans to share their experiences and reminisce about their time in the military.
  • Encourage family members and staff to write a thank-you letter or note or make a card to express their gratitude to the senior veterans.
  • Organize fundraising events to support veterans’ organizations and charities, which will further address veterans’ needs.
  • Set up the community hall to watch movies about World War I or related to this theme for entertainment and social engagement among senior veterans.
  • You can also turn the community hall into a gaming or entertainment area where everyone can participate and enjoy their favorite board games. Set up a friendly match where veterans compete against each other for extra excitement.

By encouraging senior veterans to participate in these activities, we can let them feel valued and that their great sacrifices were not forgotten.

Learn more about Richmont Senior Living by clicking here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Ashland NE

Fun Activities to Celebrate Get Outdoors Week in Assisted Living Ashland NE

Getting older is not a hindrance to staying active. As people age, it becomes more important to engage in physical activities. Being outside and doing outdoor activities can benefit the body and mind. Being in assisted living in Ashland, NE, is not just about staying in your apartment and being comfortable doing almost nothing. Instead, venture outside, get some fresh air, soak up the sun, and sweat it out. Whether you want to do it alone or with friends, Get Outdoors Week reminds you to get up and get active.

Get Outdoors Week

November is upon us, and it is time again to celebrate Get Outdoors Week. The annual celebration is aimed at senior adults who enjoy the great outdoors and spread awareness of the numerous benefits of outdoor activities, not only for physical and mental health but also for socialization and forging a connection with nature. The week-long celebration is all about activities and events organized by different groups, communities, and assisted living in Ashland, NE, designed to encourage and entice people to be more adventurous and reconnect with nature.

Americans have a special love for nature and outdoor recreational activities. By senior residents participating in Get Outdoors Week, everyone can benefit from the myriads of wonders nature and physical activities can offer. Whether it is a stroll in the park, hiking, visiting community gardens, bird watching, fruit picking, or fishing, there is something for everyone’s preference and ability.

Fun Activities for Assisted Living Ashland NE

Staying active is vital for everyone regardless of age but is more crucial for senior adults. Physical or outdoor activities can improve cardiovascular and cognitive health, balance and coordination, maintain independence, socialization, and sense of fulfillment, and improve overall quality of life.

Find below some of the best outdoor activities that you can try in assisted living Ashland, NE, so that your residents, their families, and staff can have a more enjoyable experience together.

  • Fishing offers a peaceful retreat and does not require much physical effort.
  • Picnics in parks are a great activity for the whole family. Enjoy good food and a good time with the people you love.
  • Gardening does not only cultivate blooms but also happiness and a sense of purpose.
  • Field trips to museums, botanical gardens, local parks, or local markets are great ways to interact with others and rejuvenate one’s mind.
  • Swimming is another activity seniors in assisted living Ashland NE can enjoy with their friends and families.
  • Attending or watching sporting events is perfect for seniors who used to play sports. They can do this weekly or regularly.
  • Biking or cycling is another great way to breathe fresh air.
  • Bird watching is another reason to get out with family, friends, or alone. It is fun and educational, requiring less physical effort, and is suitable for seniors with limited mobility.
  • Star gazing allows you to do it at your own pace without being away from assisted living Ashland NE.

Learn more about Richmont Senior Living by clicking here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco