Assisted Living Facilities

How to Prep for 2024 in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

Advancements in Alzheimer’s Care: A Look Ahead to 2024

As we approach 2024, the landscape of facilities for Alzheimer’s care is evolving, driven by advancements in research, technology, and a deeper understanding of the unique needs of individuals with Alzheimer’s in Ashland, NE. It’s crucial for assisted living facilities to stay abreast of these changes to provide the highest quality of care for residents with cognitive impairments.

Innovative Therapies and Programs in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

Facilities for Alzheimer’s in Ashland, NE should embrace innovative therapies and programs that have shown promise in enhancing the well-being of residents. This may include art and music therapy, sensory stimulation programs, and other non-pharmacological interventions. Staying informed about emerging trends in Alzheimer’s care ensures that facilities can incorporate the latest evidence-based practices into their daily operations.

Person-Centered Care Approaches

A person-centered approach is gaining prominence in Alzheimer’s care, emphasizing the individual needs, preferences, and experiences of residents. In 2024, facilities in Ashland, NE should prioritize tailoring care plans to the unique characteristics of each resident, fostering a more supportive and compassionate environment.

Technology Integration for Improved Alzheimer’s Care in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

The year 2024 brings opportunities for assisted living facilities in Ashland, NE to harness the power of technology. This can enhance the care and safety of individuals with Alzheimer’s. Integrating cutting-edge technologies can significantly improve the overall quality of life for residents and streamline operational processes.

Smart Monitoring Systems

Facilities can invest in smart monitoring systems that track residents’ movements, activities, and vital signs discreetly. These systems provide real-time data to caregivers, enabling proactive responses to residents’ needs and enhancing overall safety within the facility.

Telehealth Services

The integration of telehealth services allows facilities to access medical expertise remotely, ensuring that residents receive timely and specialized care. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with Alzheimer’s in Ashland, NE, where accessing specialized medical services may be challenging.

Cognitive Stimulation Technology

Engaging residents with cognitive stimulation technology, like interactive games, and virtual reality, can help improve cognitive function and provide entertainment. These technologies contribute to a more stimulating and enjoyable environment for individuals with Alzheimer’s.

Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE Wrap-Up

In conclusion, preparing for 2024 in facilities for Alzheimer’s in Ashland, NE involves a forward-looking approach that integrates innovative therapies, person-centered care, and cutting-edge technologies. By staying abreast of advancements and embracing new opportunities, facilities can provide the highest standard of care. It’s not just about adapting to change but actively seeking ways to enhance the lives of those with Alzheimer’s.


Looking for more information about senior living in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

Senior Living Move-In Checklist | Ashland NE

Moving to a senior living community is a significant milestone that requires careful planning and consideration. It’s embarking on a new chapter in life for the elderly, after all. Whether you’re a senior making this change or a loved one assisting in the process, a seamless move-in experience is essential for a smooth and stress-free transition.


Understanding Assisted Living

Assisted living is a specialized residential option designed to provide support and assistance to seniors who may need help with activities of daily living (ADLs) but do not require the intensive medical care provided in nursing homes. It bridges the gap between independent living and more intensive care options, offering a balance of independence and assistance tailored to the unique needs of each resident.


Assisted living provides services and support in these areas:

Personal Care Assistance

This covers common activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, walking, dressing toileting, and bed transfer.

Meal Services

Nutritious meals are often prepared and provided, considering dietary restrictions and preferences.

Housekeeping and Laundry

Assisted living facilities usually handle housekeeping and laundry services, ensuring a clean and comfortable living environment.

Depending on the needs of the seniors, assistance with managing medication and promoting social and recreational activities will also be provided.

What are the benefits of assisted living?

Beyond getting a helping hand, assisted living allows seniors to:

  • Maintain a sense of independence while receiving the necessary support to enhance their quality of life.
  • Have social interaction and engagement that reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Live in a secure environment with staff available 24/7 and safety features in place.
  • Offer relief for family caregivers, offering peace of mind knowing their loved ones are in a supportive and caring environment.

More importantly, services provided are tailored to the individual needs of residents, allowing personalized care plans.


Move-in Checklist | Senior Living Ashland NE

Ready to move to a senior living community? Here’s a checklist to guide you through a stress-free move.

Prioritize healthcare setup

Moving to a new location involves careful consideration of your healthcare requirements. Begin by researching local healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals in your new community. Initiate the transfer of medical records and prescriptions well in advance to ensure seamless continuity of care.

Research and compare movers

Choosing the right moving company is pivotal for a successful relocation. Conduct thorough research, read reviews, and obtain quotes from multiple moving companies. A well-researched choice ensures a smooth and stress-free moving experience.

Pack in an efficient and organized manner

Before you start packing, declutter your home by getting rid of items you no longer need. Donate, sell, or discard unnecessary belongings to lighten your load and simplify the packing process.

Invest in quality packing materials and label boxes with their contents and destination rooms. Pack essential items separately for easy access upon arrival. Take the time to plan and pack systematically to minimize unpacking chaos.

Work out the logistics

The logistical aspects of moving can be overwhelming, but careful planning can streamline the process. Create a comprehensive checklist that includes hiring movers, updating your address, handling paperwork, and managing bills and cancellations. Notify relevant parties, such as utilities and subscription services, about your move well in advance.

With a well-planned move, there will be little to no disruption when transitioning to Senior Living Ashland NE. By addressing healthcare needs, choosing a reputable moving company, packing efficiently, and managing logistics meticulously, you can make your move a smooth and positive experience.


Looking for excellent senior living care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living

Caring for Mental Health during Seasonal Depression in Assisted Living

As the winter chill sets in, the beauty of snowfall and the warmth of holiday festivities can bring joy to many. However, for individuals residing in assisted living communities, the onset of winter may also bring with it the challenges of seasonal depression. The potential effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can run from mood changes to a decline in overall quality of life. This is why extra care for mental health is vital.


What is Seasonal Depression?


Seasonal Depression, clinically known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that occurs at a specific time of the year, usually during the fall and winter months when sunlight exposure decreases. This condition is believed to be linked to changes in sunlight patterns and can affect various aspects of mental health and well-being.

Seasonal depression can be caused by lack of sunlight exposure, disruption of circadian rhythm or the body’s internal clock, overproduction of melatonin, imbalance in brain chemicals, and vitamin D deficiency.

Signs and symptoms of seasonal depression may include low energy levels, changes in sleep patterns, diminished interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable, and social withdrawal.

Seniors in assisted living are more vulnerable to SAD due to factors such as limited mobility, health conditions, and reduced exposure to outdoor activities. This can lead to social isolation and affect cognitive functions.

Caring for Mental Health in Assisted Living

What can you do to manage SAD or keep the symptoms at bay?

Seek professional guidance

Talk openly with your doctor about any shifts in your mental well-being. Seeking a professional diagnosis for seasonal depression is a crucial first step in developing an effective care plan tailored to your specific needs.

Mindful transition preparation

Prepare your mind for the fall-to-winter transition during the autumn months. Embrace mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and self-reflection, to build mental resilience and foster a positive mindset as the seasons change.

Bright light therapy

Consider incorporating bright light therapy into your routine. Exposure to bright, artificial light, especially in the morning, can help regulate your circadian rhythm and alleviate symptoms of seasonal depression.

Engage in many social activities

Combat social isolation by prioritizing social activities within your assisted living community. Engaging with others can provide emotional support, foster connections, and contribute to an overall sense of well-being.

Maintain a regular schedule

Establish and maintain a regular schedule to improve sleep patterns. Consistent routines can positively impact your circadian rhythm, helping you achieve better-quality sleep and enhancing your mental health.

Maximize sunlight exposure

Take advantage of available sunlight by spending time outdoors during daylight hours. Whether it’s a brief walk or enjoying a cup of tea on the patio, exposure to natural light can positively influence your mood and energy levels.

Aromatherapy as a treatment

Explore the benefits of aromatherapy as part of your treatment plan. Certain scents, such as lavender or citrus, can have calming and uplifting effects, contributing to a more positive mental state.

Journaling for reflection

Keep a journal to track your thoughts and emotions. Journaling provides an outlet for self-expression and can be a valuable tool for reflecting on your mental health journey. It allows you to identify patterns, set goals, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Caring for mental health in assisted living involves a harmonious combination of professional support, mindful practices, and purposeful engagement. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life during the winter months, you can beat seasonal depression.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

senior housing

Spending the Holidays in Senior Housing

Creating Festive Communities in Senior Housing

As the holiday season approaches, the atmosphere in senior housing becomes infused with joy and warmth. While the idea of spending the holidays in senior housing may bring about a mix of emotions, it’s essential to highlight the numerous opportunities for creating festive and meaningful experiences within these communities.

Community Celebrations and Events in Senior Housing

Senior housing facilities often organize a variety of holiday-themed events and activities, providing residents with opportunities to come together and celebrate. From tree-lighting ceremonies to festive dinners and cultural performances, these events foster a sense of community and help residents build connections with their neighbors.

Decorating Shared Spaces

Encouraging residents to participate in decorating communal areas is a wonderful way to infuse the holiday spirit. Residents can collaborate on crafting decorations, trimming trees, and adorning common spaces with festive lights and ornaments. This collaborative effort not only brings joy to the residents but also creates a vibrant and festive atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

Nurturing Connections and Combating Holiday Loneliness

Spending the holidays in senior housing provides an opportunity to forge new connections, combat loneliness, and create lasting memories. It’s crucial for both staff and residents to actively engage in initiatives that promote a sense of belonging and camaraderie during this special time of year.

Family Involvement and Visitation Plans in Senior Housing

Many seniors in housing facilities may have family members living at a distance. Encouraging family involvement and facilitating visitation plans during the holidays is essential. Whether through in-person visits, video calls, or festive care packages, connecting with loved ones helps residents feel cherished and connected to their broader support network.

Volunteer Programs and Intergenerational Activities

Senior communities can collaborate with local schools, youth organizations, or volunteer groups to organize intergenerational activities. From holiday-themed crafts to musical performances, these interactions bring joy to the seniors and provide valuable opportunities for meaningful connections.

Personalized Celebrations

Recognizing and respecting the diverse cultural and religious backgrounds of residents is crucial. Staff can create personalized celebrations that honor the traditions of each resident. This can ensure an inclusive and culturally rich holiday experience for everyone.

Senior Housing Wrap-Up

In conclusion, spending the holidays in senior housing offers a unique and festive experience for residents. By fostering a sense of community through shared celebrations, encouraging connections with family and friends, and implementing initiatives to combat loneliness, senior housing facilities can create an enriching environment where residents can embrace the holiday spirit and create cherished memories. The holidays are a time for joy, connection, and reflection. Senior communities play a vital role in ensuring that residents can enjoy the season to the fullest.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Facilities

Holistic Approaches to Memory Care in Memory Assisted Living: Combining Medicine, Therapy, and Lifestyle

Caring for residents with memory-related conditions in an assisted living facility is a complex and delicate task. While traditional medical treatment is essential, the holistic approach to memory care goes beyond pills and prescriptions. Memory assisted living facilities recognize that a combination of medicine, therapy, and lifestyle enhancements is crucial for residents’ overall well-being and quality of life.

Medical Treatment in Memory Assisted Living

In memory assisted living facilities, medical treatment is a fundamental component of holistic memory care. Here’s how it plays a crucial role:

Medication Management in Memory Assisted Living:

Many residents may require medication to manage symptoms of memory-related conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. These facilities have trained healthcare professionals who ensure that medications are administered correctly and on time.

Medical Assessment and Monitoring:

Regular medical assessments and monitoring are essential to track the progression of memory-related conditions and make necessary adjustments to treatment plans. Healthcare providers in memory assisted living facilities work closely with residents’ physicians to provide the best possible care.

Coordination with Specialists:

In some cases, residents may need specialized care from neurologists, psychiatrists, or other medical professionals. These facilities collaborate with these specialists to provide comprehensive care tailored to each resident’s unique needs.

Therapy and Lifestyle Enhancements

A holistic approach to memory care also emphasizes the importance of therapy and lifestyle enhancements for residents. Here’s how these elements contribute to the well-being of residents in memory assisted living facilities:

Cognitive Therapy:

Cognitive therapy is a cornerstone of memory care. Residents engage in activities and exercises designed to stimulate cognitive function, enhance memory retention, and slow the progression of memory-related conditions. These activities may include puzzles, memory games, and reminiscence therapy.

Emotional and Behavioral Support:

Residents in these facilities often experience emotional and behavioral challenges. Trained staff members provide emotional support, addressing feelings of confusion, frustration, or anxiety. They also use behavioral interventions to manage difficult behaviors and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all residents.

Lifestyle Enhancements:

These facilities focus on improving residents’ quality of life. They create environments that are conducive to memory care, incorporating safety measures, dementia-friendly designs, and memory-enhancing cues. Additionally, they offer a variety of recreational activities, social engagements, and sensory stimulation to promote well-rounded and fulfilling lifestyles.

Nutritional Support:

Proper nutrition is essential for residents with memory-related conditions. These facilities offer balanced and nutritious meal plans that support brain health. They also consider dietary restrictions and preferences to ensure residents enjoy their meals and maintain their well-being.

Memory Assisted Living Conclusion

In the world of memory assisted living, a holistic approach to memory care is a powerful and effective strategy. It combines medical treatment, therapy, and lifestyle enhancements to provide comprehensive care for residents with memory-related conditions. By addressing the physical, emotional, and social aspects of memory care, these facilities create environments that promote a high quality of life for residents and support their well-being.

These facilities understand that each resident is unique, and their memory care plans are tailored to meet individual needs. By combining medicine, therapy, and lifestyle enhancements, they offer a multifaceted approach that helps residents maintain their dignity, independence, and sense of purpose, even in the face of memory-related challenges.

As a memory assisted living facility, embracing a holistic approach to memory care can make a significant difference in the lives of your residents, providing them with the care, support, and opportunities they need to thrive.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Learn more about Richmont Senior Living by clicking here!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living

Financial Planning for Assisted Living Ashland NE: Navigating Costs and Funding Options

Choosing an assisted living facility for yourself or a loved one is a significant decision, and financial planning plays a crucial role in this process. Assisted living can provide a comfortable and supportive environment for seniors, but it’s essential to understand the costs and explore funding options to ensure a smooth transition. In Ashland, NE, where Assisted Living facilities are gaining popularity, it’s vital to consider financial planning as a key step in the journey to a happy and healthy retirement.

Budgeting for Assisted Living in Ashland, NE

Before diving into funding options, it’s important to establish a clear budget for assisted living. This step helps you determine your financial capacity and make an informed choice. Here are some factors to consider:

Monthly Costs:

  • Assisted living costs in Ashland, NE can vary based on the facility, services provided, and location. Typically, they include accommodation, meals, personal care, and recreational activities. Determine the monthly costs and whether they fit within your budget.

Assessing Personal Finances:

  • Take stock of your assets, income, and expenses. This includes savings, investments, pensions, and other sources of income. It’s essential to have a realistic understanding of your financial situation to plan accordingly.

Create a Financial Plan:

  • With a clear picture of your finances, create a financial plan that outlines how you will cover the costs of assisted living. Consider factors like potential increases in expenses over time and any unexpected healthcare costs.

Funding Options for Assisted Living in Ashland, NE

Now that you have a budget in place, let’s explore some funding options for assisted living in Ashland, NE:


  • Medicaid is a state and federally-funded program that provides financial assistance to low-income individuals for healthcare, including assisted living. In Nebraska, the Medicaid program may cover some costs associated with assisted living for eligible seniors. Eligibility is income-based, and specific requirements may vary.
  • It’s crucial to understand the Medicaid eligibility criteria for Nebraska and the assisted living facilities in Ashland that accept Medicaid. Seek guidance from professionals who can help you navigate the application process.

Veterans’ Benefits:

  • Veterans and their surviving spouses may be eligible for VA Aid and Attendance benefits, which can provide financial assistance for assisted living. To qualify, veterans must meet specific service requirements, and applicants must require assistance with activities of daily living.
  • Ashland, NE is home to veterans who have served our country with honor. Explore the options available for veterans’ benefits and reach out to local veteran service organizations for guidance on how to access these valuable resources.

Long-Term Care Insurance:

  • Long-term care insurance is a financial tool that can help cover the costs of assisted living. If you or your loved one have a long-term care insurance policy, review the policy details, including coverage and benefit limits.
  • Make sure you understand the policy’s terms and consult with the insurance provider to determine how it can be applied to assisted living expenses. If you don’t have a policy, consider speaking with an insurance agent to explore your options.

Assisted Living Ashland NE Conclusion

Financial planning for assisted living in Ashland, NE is a vital step in ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement. By setting a clear budget and exploring funding options such as Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, and long-term care insurance, you can make informed decisions and find the right assisted living facility that meets your needs and financial situation. Remember, assistance is available from experts in the field, so don’t hesitate to seek guidance and support as you navigate this important transition.

In Ashland, NE, the path to assisted living can be made smoother with careful financial planning. By tapping into available resources, you can make the transition a positive and comfortable experience.


Looking for excellent senior living in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

independent living for seniors

International Fraud Awareness Week in Independent Living for Seniors

Among the most susceptible individuals who are prone to fraud and financial exploitation are seniors or older adults. They can lose money or possessions due to fraudulent transactions or scams. With that said, they may not be able to earn back what they have lost which can be especially devastating to them. It was because of this that International Fraud Awareness Week was born.


International Fraud Awareness Week


The effort to raise awareness of preventing fraud worldwide will take place on the 3rd week of November from 12 to 18. It is a global effort to reduce the impact of fraud which everyone should be aware of particularly the very vulnerable independent living for seniors.


Fraud is not only targeted to individuals but also big businesses. This is even more troublesome as technology advances wherein fraud is expected to grow as well. So, governments, businesses, and individuals have put measures to minimize the risks of getting defrauded with the creation of the International Fraud Awareness Week.


Seniors and Fraud in Independent Living for Seniors


According to a recent report, the FBI has raised public awareness regarding schemes of elderly fraud due to increasing cases in the past years. In fact, a total loss of $3.1 billion has been reported by adults aged 60 or older complaining about being defrauded online in 2022 alone. This is an 84% increase in losses in comparison to complaints filed in 2021.


Fraud targeting elders is a form of older adult exploitation in which perpetrators steal or misuse financial assets, income, personal identifying information, or savings from a person over the age of 60. This happens without their direct consent or knowledge. It often uses deception to scam older people by posing as a person of trust or a shrewd investor offering a financial payout.


Moreover, citizens are encouraged to be cautious and vigilant. There are reports that scammers are also impersonating National Elder Fraud Hotline staff. They are attempting to obtain personal information or money by threatening potential victims about a caller filing a suit. Such can be dealt with by reporting related incidents to the Federal Trade Commission.


Fraud Protection in Independent Living for Seniors


It is important to keep independent living for seniors protected from fraud by learning how to avoid potential scams. Such may include the following tips that can help you protect your older loved ones.


  • Recognizing scam attempts
  • Being cautious of unsolicited phone calls, door-to-door service offers, and mailings
  • Resisting pressure from threats of taking immediate action by calling the police
  • Protecting personally identifiable information and shredding financial docs
  • Checking financial statements every month for any suspicious activity
  • Ensuring that your anti-virus and security protection apps are updated
  • Consulting family members or friends when making any financial decision involving someone you don’t know personally


The last thing you want to see is your elder loved ones getting scammed. That’s why working with trusted financial protection institutions is imperative for fraud protection.


Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Assisted Living Facilities

End-of-Life Care in Assisted Living: Compassion and Support for Seniors and Families

Older adults in assisted living facilities can get end-of-life care as part of the services provided to their residents. Thus, seniors and their families can get compassion and support to cater to their needs during this very challenging point in life.


What is End-of-Life Care?


Those with terminal diagnoses can have palliative care at any stage of their illness. This can also be taken along with medicines, therapies, and treatments for the purpose of controlling the disease like chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


However, end-of-life care is different because it involves treatment and support for those who are near the end of their life. This is aimed at helping people to be as comfortable as can be in the time they have left, including ensuring that practical things like wishes or wills are well sorted out.


Compassion and Support for Seniors and Families in Assisted Living Facilities


End-of-life experiences are different from one person to another. For those who feel discomfort during the end-of-life process, there are things that the healthcare provider can give to help make the person feel more comfortable.


There are significant roles the caregivers and family members play in the management of a dying person’s pain or discomfort. It is also the time to provide end-of-life care in helping to manage the dying person’s mental and emotional distress.


While most people find solace in their faith, many find it important to talk with family and friends or to share memories of good times in order to find peace when the end is near. But providing care and comfort for somebody at the end of life can also be emotionally and physically draining.


Providing practical support in Assisted Living Facilities


A lot of people get worried when managing the day-to-day tasks of caring for someone nearing the end of life. Thus, you can modify the current environment or buy or rent some equipment to help you manage this situation.


Providing emotional support


The management of someone with a terminal illness can be dependent on the relationship of the carer with the person about to die. It might be helpful though to provide company by talking and spending time with the person during his or her final days.


Providing physical support


It can be upsetting to see the physical changes of someone dying. It is the job of the end-of-life care team to provide support when it is too much for to handle.


Planning for end-of-life


There are many resources you can use when planning for end-of-life care. Assisted living facilities are equipped with the right approach to provide services suitable for end-of-life care.


Planning for this time in life can help make the most of your time left with a loved one. Thus, they will feel as comfortable as possible, bringing the closure needed to move on in a peaceful way.


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Independent Living for Seniors Ashland NE

National Book Month: Spooky Reads for Residents in Independent Living for Seniors | Ashland NE

It’s National Book Month and there is no better way to celebrate it with a new title in your book collection. Discover and enjoy mysterious and eerie stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. For residents in independent living for seniors in Ashland NE seeking adventure and thrill, these spooky reads are the perfect companions.


National Book Month in Independent Living for Seniors Ashland NE


National Book Month is a month-long celebration dedicated to the world of literature, reading, and writing. During this month, book lovers from collectors to casual readers come together to explore the world of literature.


It is also during the whole month of October when authors are honored, and the best books are recognized. Since October 2003 when the first National Book Month was celebrated, it has enriched, entertained, educated, inspired, and nourished intellects.


Spooky Reads for Residents in Independent Living for Seniors | Ashland NE


There is no better way to celebrate National Book Month than to read spine-chilling stories. These carefully selected titles will transport you to the world of mystery, suspense, and otherworldly.


Check the list below to uncover the best stories to ignite your imagination. Residents in independent living for seniors in Ashland NE, whether you have been a fan of mystical books or a newbie, these titles will keep you fascinated.


We Were Never Here

Andrea Bartz


Emily is in the mountains of Chile with her best friend, Kristen, for their annual backpacking reunion trip. What started as an opportunity to relish the good moments turned into a horrible experience when Emily found blood and broken glass on the floor in their hotel room on the last night of their trip.


This has happened before in their last year’s trip as Kristen said it was only because of self-defense. How long can Emily cover up for her best friend? Can she outrun their secrets or risk their relationship?

Pretty Little Wife

Darby Kane

Lila Ridgefield lives in a blissful small town with her husband Aaron. But not everything is what it seemed when a student disappeared months ago, and now, Lila’s husband. Everyone is worried about the three disappearances that happened over the last few years, except for Lila. She was the last person to see her husband’s body and now it is gone.

The Sanatorium

Sarah Pearse

Le Sommet, is a 5-star minimalist hotel set in the Swiss Alps, the venue of Isaac and Laure’s engagement party. Isaac, the brother of detective Elin Warner’s estranged husband invited her to celebrate their engagement but only to end up learning the morning after that Laure is missing.

Amid a threatening storm closing all access to the hotel, Detective Elin is under pressure to find Laure. But no one has discovered yet that another woman is missing. How much danger are they all in?

Daisy Darker

Alice Feeney

Daisy Darker’s family spends time together for Nana’s 80th birthday on a tiny tidal island. The entire family is back together and when the tide comes in, they will be temporarily disconnected from the rest of the world for 8 hours.

At the stroke of midnight, in the middle of a raging storm, Nana was found dead, and another family member an hour after. Trapped in a tiny island where someone is killing the Darker one by one, they must investigate what’s going on.

Lastly, The Good Daughter for readers in Independent Living for Seniors Ashland NE

Karin Slaughter

Delve into the dark secret of Samantha and Charlotte Quinn when their family home was attacked 28 years ago. Charlotte and Samantha are now both lawyers, but Charlotte opted to stay away from her hometown while Samantha chose to stay.

Their peaceful lives took a dramatic turn when the sisters were forced to confront their traumatic past when a shocking incident traumatized their hometown again. Will the sisters get justice for the crime while dealing with their unresolved past?


Looking for excellent care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco

Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Blindness Awareness Month in Senior Housing Ashland NE

Blindness Awareness Month is a perfect opportunity in the senior housing community and senior housing Ashland NE to focus on a serious topic that is affecting everyone.

Every October, Blindness Awareness Month is a special time to acknowledge the challenges faced by those living with visual impairment. It is also a time to bring a heightened focus on gaining a better understanding of their experiences and their struggles to provide them with a supportive environment.

Let Blindness Awareness Month not only be a month to educate, inspire, and advocate but also a month to celebrate the remarkable resilience and courage of those living with visual impairments.

Blindness Awareness Month

Blindness Awareness Month was launched in October 2009 through the efforts of the Little Rock Foundation. Little Rock was founded by the Fiorentino couple from New Jersey a year after their premature and blind child was born.

The annual awareness aims to educate the public about the importance of good eye health and the latest developments in the treatment of eye disorders. Blindness Awareness Month also shares inspiring stories of visually impaired individuals who have proven that blindness should not be a hindrance to living life to the fullest.

Lastly, Blindness Awareness Month aims for organizations to gain support in terms of resources, research, access, and laws to protect and enhance the lives of the visually impaired community.

Blindness in Senior Housing

As people age, the risk of vision-related problems is common, and blindness increases. The needs of the residents in senior housing Ashland NE need to be addressed so they can continue with their daily activities. Partial or complete vision loss not only complicates their daily lives but also can negatively impact behavior, and create safety issues, which can lead to isolation, depression, or poor quality of life.

Many adults in senior housing facilities are not receiving the quality of care and support that they deserve. As loss of eyesight is common are senior adults, senior housing Ashland NE must ensure that their residents receive compassionate and accurate care.

By addressing the unique needs of residents, senior housing Ashland NE can create a nurturing environment that fosters independence and improved quality of life.

Tips for Helping Blind Senior Housing Residents

Providing an inclusive and supportive environment not only reduces the physical risks but also protects the overall welfare of senior residents, including social and mental well-being. With commitment and careful planning, senior housing Ashland NE can ensure its residents’ safety and independence.

  • Accessibility helps residents navigate the common areas independently. Remove slip hazards like loose floor coverings, wirings, cords, or wet floors but be addressed promptly.
  • Utilize user-friendly and accessible assistive technology to enable residents to read books, emails, and such.
  • Ensure all rooms are well-lit with glare-free lighting, and bathrooms and hallways are installed with motion-activated lighting.
  • Clear, bold, and easy-to-read font must be posted in key areas for easy navigation.
  • Lastly, you can provide emotional support through counseling services or groups to encourage social connection and belongingness to combat isolation or depression.

Looking for excellent senior care in Nebraska? Click here to learn more about Richmont Senior Living!

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco