Assisted Living Ashland NE

Move into Assisted Living before the Holidays!

You can expect that the holidays can bring icy weather conditions that can be quite challenging for seniors. Thus, it is important to decide the right time to move into an assisted living facility.


When the winter is coming, moving before it hits is the best decision that you can do. You can argue with that but here are a few reasons why moving before the holidays is quite perfect.


Why you should move into assisted living before the holiday season


Moving into an environment that relieves the stress you may feel from living alone is essential. Thus, an assisted living facility makes sure that you enjoy great food, close friends, and entertaining things to do.


So, you might ask when is the right time to move particularly when the winter months are fast approaching. Here are a few reasons that support the idea to move before the holidays.


Community safety

  • Seniors must be careful because they can be prone to slipping on the ice due to hazardous roadways. That is why assisted living facilities are best suited for seniors because they don’t have to clean the snow from sidewalks or driveways. So, they can avoid roadside emergencies.

Health concerns

  • Among the concerns during the holiday season are colds and flu. As seniors get more vulnerable to such diseases during the holidays, moving to the community can help them avoid the potential hazards of winter illness.

Wellness benefits

  • In comparison to the summertime or springtime, the winter months can be much harder for seniors to get enough exercise and stay active. Thus, it is best to move before the winter because the facility can provide aerobics, indoor swimming, and yoga, among others.

Community engagement

  • Note that assisted living communities have activities and clubs that seniors can engage in. This is actually the opposite when they spend the winter months in their own homes, which can be dull and lonely for seniors.


Remember that moving before the holidays will help reduce stress for seniors. Thus, they are able to spend some time in their new home, creating new memories for the holidays. This actually can be a great joy and bring new traditions.


Why assisted living?



  • This is one of the most important issues with aging alone at home. That is because older adults can be very vulnerable to different threats and hazards.


  • Contrary to the belief that moving to assisted living facilities can lose touch with friends or loved ones, senior living communities indeed offer a chance to build new relationships every single day.

Peace of mind

  • Owning a home can be very expensive and can have a fair share of headaches on the side. Moving to an assisted living facility can actually give peace of mind because they don’t have to think about the maintenance and the cost of having to manage their own home.


Assisted living in Ashland


You can take advantage of a worry-free environment when you choose a senior living facility just as the one offered by Richmont Senior Living.


There are assisted living facilities in Ashland that can help provide assistance for daily living. Richmont senior living will make sure you are able to enjoy the amenities that are clean, comfortable, and home-like atmosphere.

Richmont Senior Living is proud to serve Ashland, NE and the surrounding cities: Memphis, Springfield, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Waverly, Murdock, Ithaca, and Chalco